
Conversations on Werkleitz Festival 2024 Tank oder Teller [fuel or food]

The year 2025 marks the 500th anniversary of the Peasants' War and the anniversary of Thomas Müntzer's death. The great uprising of the 'common people' - the peasants, craftsmen and miners - was brutally crushed in Frankenhausen. Thomas Müntzer became known as a preacher and fighter who called for the violent liberation of the peasants and joined the uprisings against the ruling power. History also tells of the intense nature of the uprisings and the peasants' willingness to use violence.

However, history is written by the victors. How much of it is true and how much is an attribution? What do we know about the peasant movement? What were the people of the time concerned about, what were they fighting for? Who was Thomas Müntzer - a preacher, a fighter or both together? And what distinguishes or connects the Peasants' War of 1525 with the other peasant movements?
01 Alles Allen - Omnia sunt Comunia [all to all]
Ralf Wendt
In the episode Alles Allen - Omnia sunt communia, Friedemann Stengel, Professor of the Faculty of Theology at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, devotes himself to this saying attributed to Müntzer, which still characterises the social reformist narrative surrounding his person today.
0:00 58:18
02 History of the peasant movement
Ralf Wendt
In this podcast, Thomas Müller, Chairman of the Luther Memorials Foundation, provides insights into the history and prehistory of the German Peasants' War and helps us to better understand the motives of the peasant movement and the role of Thomas Müntzer. He also talks about the winners and loser
0:00 56:27
03 History of the reception of Thomas Müntzer
Ralf Wendt
In the third podcast episode, Jan Scheunemann, historian at the Saxony-Anhalt Cultural Foundation, sheds light on the history of the reception of Thomas Müntzer. He talks about how the image of Müntzer has been portrayed over the years in academia, art and politics, how Müntzer has been instrume
0:00 53:42

Audio to Werkleitz Festival 2023 Mein Schatz [My Precious]

Mein Schatz [My precious] - J. R. R. Tolkien's “Ring of Power” forged in Mount Doom could be a smartphone today. Like the ring, every smartphone is made of exquisite ores and rocks.
01 Artist Talk with Ana Alenso
When did the illusion creep into people's imagination that the treasures underground could be available in infinite quantities and at virtually no price? Anne-Christin Bielig and curator Alexander Klose talk to artist Ana Alenso not only about her work Glück auf! [Good luck!].
0:00 14:16
02 Artist Talk with Mabe Bethônico
Das kollektive Buddeln. Ein Papiertheater über die Mythen des Bergbaus [The collective digging. A paper theater about the myths of mining] asks about the conditions of current and historical mining as well as the possibilities of a different mining industry that treats nature and people more respon
0:00 20:42
03 Artist Talk with Viktor Brim
Who says that minerals are dead rock? Western thinking's categorical distinction between living and “lifeless” matter is the prerequisite for the unrestrained exploitation of natural resources. Viktor Brim will be interviewed by Anne-Christin Bielig, Alexander Klose and other artists of the Werk
0:00 15:02
04 Artist Talk with Egill Sæbjörnsson
Money has become immaterial, a data trail, but it rules the world as it always has. Sæbjörnsson's artistic works playfully and cunningly explore the relationships between the material and the imaginary, between the world and our preconceptions about it. His trolls made one of their first major app
0:00 21:10
05 Artist Talk with Felicitas Fäßler
The term “third nature” refers to landscapes or ecological niches that have slipped out of the control of man-made “second nature”. Nature is spreading unregulated, but under conditions that continue to be influenced by human intervention. In her work Ausbiss [Outcrop], Fäßler approaches t
0:00 10:34
06 Artist Talk with Stephanie Kiwitt
“There used to be more people here.” In recent years, artist Stephanie Kwitt has photographed places and landscapes in Saxony-Anhalt. Her resulting series show traces of an ongoing transformation. For Mein Schatz [My Precious], she returned to Sandersleben and spoke to residents about their plac
0:00 30:44
07 Artist Talk with Barbara Marcel
From the central German mining region to Brazil - and back. The 7th episode of the multi-part podcast for the Werkleitz Festival 2023 Mein Schatz [My Precious] revolves around the work of Barbara Marcel Des Goldes Klang [Golden Tone]. It is about subterranean and supernatural landscapes, history and
0:00 25:36
08 Artist Talk with Juliane Henrich
In the absence of mining, Juliane Henrich sees the presence of data mining - in the absence of copper processing, the presence of the wiring of electronic devices made from the same precious metals. The question of whether there can be good mining, which is no less urgent today than it was in the da
0:00 16:04
09 Artist Talk with Agnieszka Polska
In The Demon's Brain, a multi-channel video installation exhibited at Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart - Berlin and elsewhere, Agnieszka Polska explores the ethical question of how the individual can assume social responsibility in the midst of the overwhelming demands of the present. The s
0:00 28:36
10 Artist Talk with Karsten Bott
Why does history first have to be buried and then dug up again by archaeologists? Karsten Bott, who has been working on his archive for contemporary history for over 30 years, asks this question. Bott embarked on a new search for the Werkleitz Festival 2023. Together with Hettstedt scrap metal colle
0:00 16:43
11 Exhibition tour with Lena Reisner
In episode 11 of the podcast series on the Werkleitz Festival 2023, Lena Reisner first guides us through the entire festival exhibition and is then interviewed by Anne-Christin Bielig about her artistic and curatorial approaches.
0:00 52:45

Podcasts Umbruch im Film [Upheaval in film]

Eine zehnteilige Podcastserie zu Umbruch im Film [Upheaval in film], ein Symposium zur Professionalisierung und Vernetzung von Filmemacher:innen, Filmproduzent:innen, Filmfestivalmacher:innen und Filmkurator:innen, das, präsentiert von der Werkleitz Gesellschaft, vom 5.bis 7. Dezember 2022 in Halle (Saale) stattfand. Im Fokus von Umbruch im Film standen Filme, die aktuelle gesellschaftliche Umbrüche, wie Deindustrialisierung und Strukturwandel im ländlichen Raum und in Bergbaufolgelandschaften thematisieren.

Der Branchentreff wurde gefördert durch das Land Sachsen-Anhalt, sowie der Stadt Halle (Saale). In Kooperation mit der AG DOK. Arrangiert von Marold Langer-Philippsen.

Umbruch im Film ist dokumentiert durch aufgearbeitete Live-Mitschnitte der Panels. Neben den Podcasts stehen auch einzelne Vorträge als Videobeiträge zur Verfügung.
01 Lecture by Lars Fischer
Lars Fischer
Podcast of Lars Fischer's lecture at Umbruch im Film Lars Fischer is an expert in landscape communication and explains what it is and how he deals with it. A ten-part podcast series on Umbruch im Film, a symposium for the professionalisation and networking of filmmakers, film producers, film festiva
0:00 43:02
02 Lecture by Jonathan Everts
Jonathan Everts
Podcast of Jonathan Everts' lecture at Umbruch im Film Jonathan Everts is a human geographer and professor at Martin Luther University Halle. He tries to summarise current phenomena with the concept of the planetary turn. A ten-part podcast series on Umbruch im Film, a symposium for the professional
0:00 39:05
03 Lecture by Andreas Petrik
Andreas Petrik
Podcast of Andreas Petrik's lecture at Umbruch im Film. Andreas Petrik, Professor of Didactics in Social Studies at Martin Luther University Halle, talks about the possibilities of recreating village life in order to try out social processes. A ten-part podcast series on Umbruch im Film, a symposium
0:00 29:01
04 Lecture by Jonas Hansen
Jonas Hansen
Podcast of Jonas Hansen's lecture at Umbruch im Film. Jonas Hansen, Professor of Interaction and Game Design at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, tells the story of Expanded Media - from Frame to World. A ten-part podcast series on Umbruch im Film, a symposium for the professio
0:00 26:55
05 Panel 1 - Der Dinge Lauf [The course of things]
Podcast to Panel 1 - Zum (Ver-)Lauf der Dinge [On the course of events] von [ Umbruch im Film]( How do we depict the object of our interest, how do we find the appropriate means? Eva Könnemann, Georg Kußmann, Francesca Bertin, Marcel Schwierin, Lena Ditte Niss
0:00 29:58
06 Panel 2 - Bruchstücke [Fragments]
Podcast to Panel 2 - Bruchstücke [Fragments] von Umbruch im Film Where are the upheavals to be found, how can they be dealt with in film work? With Rebecca Zehr, Patrick Wallochny, Laura Reichwald, Susanne Kim, Peter Zorn. A ten-part podcast series on Umbruch im Film, a symposium for the professio
0:00 34:34
07 Panel 3 – Planetary Turn
Podcast to Panel 3 - Planetary Turn by [ Umbruch im Film]( Florian Fischer, Ginan Seidl, Thadeusz Tischbein, NEOZOON (Michaela and Frederike), Daniel Herrmann, Marcel Schwierin and others can be heard on the filmic examples of the human-nature and human-animal t
0:00 54:32
08 Panel 4 - Räume träumen [Dreaming spaces]
Podcast to Panel 4 - Träume von Räumen [Dreams of spaces] by [ Umbruch im Film]( Cinematic, cultural, political, social and experiential spaces are outlined and how they can take place in film - described by Emerson Culurgioni, Juliane Jaschnow, Dino Weisz, Ju
0:00 52:20
09 Panel 5 - Hybride Formen [Hybrid forms]
Podcast to Panel 5 - Intermedialität/Hybridformen [Intermediality/Hybrid forms] by [ Umbruch im Film]( It is about the different media forms beyond linear storytelling - in conversation are Clemens von Wedemeyer, Thomas Taube, Marleine van der Werf, Ralph Wendt
0:00 30:43
10 Panel 6 – Transformation
Podcast to Panel 6 - Transformationsprozesse im Film [Transformation processes in film] by [ Umbruch im Film]( Amelie Befeldt, Kathrin Lemcke, Jürgen Kleinig, Emerson Culurgioni, Constanze Wolpers, Jonas Eisenschmidt, Tim Nowitzki, Denis Herzog, Heiko Hilker an
0:00 01:18:19

March battles Podcasts – Future is remembering turned around

A three-day hike to commemorate the March Fights of 1921 takes us through Mansfeld. The route runs along selected sites of the events 100 years ago. The first day takes us to Schraplau and the surrounding area. In Schraplau itself, a plaque refers to the murderous violence in the spring of 1921 - six insurgents were executed by the police in a lime kiln at the lime works, which still exists today. Other events at locations that can still be traced are only described in literature and records. For example, the storming of the town hall in Eisleben by insurgents on March 25, 1921, where the second day of the hike leads. The third day leads from Hettstedt to Klostermansfeld. There, on the night of March 27-28, 1921, the deputy head of the community, Paul Müller, was murdered on the road to Leimbach, presumably by members of the police. Although the victim is not anonymous, we can only speculate about the crime scene and the perpetrator.
The Weimar Republic e.V. describes the Weimar Republic as a fragile, threatened construction - from left and right it was hostile. The March Struggles of 1921 are a prime example of this. The simple formula in Goethe's Faust, only he earns freedom like life who must conquer it daily, finds its counterpart in the omnipresent talk of democracy, which must be constantly tested anew and thus secured. The images of the storming of the Capitol in Washington by radical Trump supporters are just one example of the ongoing pressure on democracy. Another derivation of the above formula is the March of Freedom across the border from Bratislava (SK) to Hainburg (AT), initiated as a performance by Ján Budaj and Milan Knazko on December 10, 1989. Budaj speaks of a freedom that has to be earned. This is precisely the starting point of our hike, with which we will create a memory of the spring of 1921. The essence of our thoughts as well as linguistic images of today and other temporal transfers help us to visualize history. At best, they open up a dialog about our relationship to the events. Our hiking group consists of Eike Goreczka, Daniel Herrmann, Thomas Jeschner, Olaf Nachtwey and Ralf Wendt.
01 Day 1: Röblingen and March Fighters' Memorial
A three-day hike to commemorate the March Fights of 1921 takes us through Mansfeld. On the first day, we walk from Röblingen to Schraplau. Along the way, a March War Memorial commemorates those murdered in the spring of 1921 - six insurgents were executed by the police in a lime kiln at the lime wo
0:00 37:30
03 Tag 2: From Bischoferode to Wolferode
A three-day hike to commemorate the March Fights of 1921 takes us through Mansfeld. On the second day, we walk via Bischofrode to Eisleben. In Bischofrode and Wolferode, plaques and gravestones commemorate the events of the March battles in 1921. We read about this time from Otto Gotsche's “Mein D
0:00 45:36
05 Tag 3: Hettstedt
A three-day hike in memory of the March Struggles of 1921 takes us through Mansfeld. On the third day, we talk about the wonders of the world created by the actions of the workers and about the Mansfeld slag heaps created in this way. On our route from Hettstedt via Leimbach to Klostermansfeld we wa
0:00 17:02
06 Resümee
The Weimarer Republik e.V. describes the Weimar Republic as a fragile, threatened construction - from the left and the right it was hostile. On our hike, during which we are working on a memory of the spring of 1921, the search for the truth about the events of that time remains an open question for
0:00 36:12

Touring exhibition [NEW]

The exhibition NEU [NEW], which is touring the Mansfeld-Südharz district from June to October, presents contemporary perspectives on the (cultural) landscape of this very region by means of photography, audio and film. The starting point is the now historical work Spuren_Mansfeld by the artist Wieland Krause from 1993, which consists, among other things, of photos of the final phase of the demolition of the August-Bebel-Hütte in Helbra. Thirty years later, young photographers and designers from Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle are exploring the district and have taken a new look at the landscape for their artistic works. Wieland Krause is also roaming the region again to collect sound_traces for a sound collage of the same name.

The exhibition NEU will be on display at the Summa Passage in Hettstedt, the Schneider car dealership in Helbra, the Bonifatiuskirche in Vatterode and the Sandersleben town hall.

NEU is a cooperation between the project GLÜCK AUF! WHERE TO? Mansfeld-Südharz is a new project of the Erlebniswelt Museen e.V. and the Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V..

The project GLÜCK AUF! WOHIN? - Mansfeld-Südharz findet sich neu is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag. The measure Glück auf! WHERE TO? Mansfeld-Südharz findet sich neu is funded by the state of Saxony-Anhalt and the district of Mansfeld-Südharz. Special thanks to APS Verwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG.
Wieland Krause
1993 SPUREN_ Mansfeldprojekt Von 1991 bis 1993 realisierte ich ein umfangreiches Fotoprojekt in der Mansfelder Landschaft. Es war eine Zeit tiefgreifenden politischen und sozialen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland. Der Status Quo damals: Sprengung, Abriss, Verlust der Arbeitsplätze und der desaströse Zus
0:00 52:25
02 Wie de Fische in Schacht nein kamn
Ludwig Kloiber
Wie de Fische in Schacht nein kamn – Ein Hörstück über die Transformation von Landschaft, Kultur und Lebensrealität im Mansfelder Land Vor 260 Mio. Jahren entsteht im Zechsteinmeer durch Sedimentation und Austrocknung das Mansfelder Kupferschiefer. Bis 1990 werden davon etwa 109 Mio. Tonnen z
0:00 40:58

Artist Talks to Werkleitz Festival 2021 move to...

How discontinuity and historical contexts, disorder, and machine learning collide is the topic of the podcasts with artists and scholars published continuously during the Werkleitz Festival 2021 and later on.
Artificially Intelligent
Anna Ridler (GB) and Doug Fishbone (GB) talking about how to put together bits and pieces, would it be for a joke or a way to visualize artificial intelligence. Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts Soundcloud
0:00 20:36
Silvia Dal Dosso (IT), Francesca Del Bono (IT), Arianna Magrini (DE) und Nicolas Noel (FR) from the CLUSTERDUCK COLLECTIVE explain “memes” and how one can understand the anytime shifting meaning and usage of that term - in a podcast by Werkleitz Festival 2021. Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts
0:00 45:45
Susanna Flock, Adrian Haim, Robin Klengel, Leon Müllner, and Michael Stumpf from the collective TOTAL REFUSAL (AT) and Aleksandra Niemczyk (GB/PL) are talking about the principles of dynamics and mechanics in game and non-game contexts in a podcast by Werkleitz Festival 2021. Spotify Stitcher A
0:00 31:59
Harald Heinrichs (DE) describes the necessary connection in sustainability from the countryside to the city, from small communities to megacities. Individuals can promote sustainability, but even more so when they join forces with others.
0:00 27:07
Robertas Narkus (LT), Andrius Arutiunian (LT/NL) und Doug Fishbone (GB) are talking about what could be done with money and currency if their values were different in this podcast by Werkleitz Festival 2021. Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts Soundcloud With Robertas Narkus (LT), Andrius Arutiunian (L
0:00 11:44
Darsha Hewitt (CA/DE), Carolin Liebl (DE) and Nikolas Schmid-Pfähler (DE) are talking about wasteland, the energies that couldn't be recycled anymore, and the process of making infrastructures visible in a podcast by Werkleitz Festival 2021. Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts Soundcloud
0:00 25:31
Aleksandra Niemczyk (GB/PL), Liliana Zeic (PL) and Teaque Owen (DE/US), artists within the Werkleitz Festival 2021, are talking about the need of safe space, conservative politics, and possibly taking accountability in this Werkleitz Festival 2021 Podcast. Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts Soundclo
0:00 30:57
Stephanie Wakefield (DE) is talking in this Werkleitz Festival 2021 Podcast about that we discuss a lot about like fossil fuels, the industrial revolution urbanization, the great acceleration, but not the anticipatory future. Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts Soundcloud
0:00 22:43
Desiree Förster (DE/US) talks in this Werkleitz Festival 2021 Podcast about the necessity of recognizing the processual in us and our environment, so that we can find ways to live on this planet in the future. Art could help us to do this. Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts Soundcloud
0:00 24:33
Do we belief in big data or the other way around? Mél Hogan (CA) is asking how to survive the post-capitalist dislocations in present and future. Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts Soundcloud
0:00 29:28
Christopher Coenen (DE) spans the arc from the first ideas on transhumanism to today's development in the Werkleitz Festival 2021 podcast. How do machines, ideas, biology, and deeper understanding intertwine to accompany the further development of humans? Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts Soundclou
0:00 48:42
Teaque Owen (DE/US), Margherita Pevere (DE/IT), and Alan Cunningham (IE) are talking about how do we explore the embodied act of care given and accept that in the context of everyday interactions/reactions in a podcast by Werkleitz Festival 2021. Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts Soundcloud
0:00 27:27
In the Werkleitz Festival 2021 Podcast, Simon Schaupp (DE) reports about where cybernetics can be found today, what could be done with it, and where it all started. Spotify Stitcher Apple Podcasts Soundcloud
0:00 34:44


Object 01 - Kein Haus wie jedes andere [No house like any other]

The administrative building of the Halle district administration of the Ministry of State Security - Objects 01 and 02 - are the location of the festival and the setting for the three-part feature by Ralf Wendt.

Based on the three festival weekends, the features examine the history of the building and its connection to sociosphere, ecosphere and bodydatasphere.

The features are compositions of original sounds from conversations that the author had with representatives of the Stasi Records Office, the Roter Ochse [Red Ox] Memorial, the squatters' group from December 1989 and with protagonists of the persecution by the MfS in Halle. In addition, contemporary witnesses from the perspective of the authorities and the victims, who were made available by the Roter Ochse Memorial, have their say.
Feature zur bodydatasphere
“IM” stands for inoffizielle Mitarbeiter or “unofficial agent” – conspiratorial apartment for secret Stasi meetings in the city and an operative procedure for strategic surveillance and information collection on individuals who were potentially dangerous for the East German’s government
0:00 26:54
Feature zu ecosphere
From the late 1970s onwards activists of the East German environmental movement were among the most spied on state enemies. The story that Lothar Rochau, at the time a youth deacon in Halle, and others describe in the documentary is a dangerous combination of critical thinking about ecology and refl
0:00 27:42
Feature zu sociosphere
An intelligence agency collects information about its own citizens – at the bequest of the country’s only official party. This intelligence agency, the East German Ministry of State Security, uses the information to protect the country from harmful influences – from outside or inside its own b
0:00 22:45

Gespräche im Mansfelder Land - Klaus Feick

Klaus Feick stammt ursprünglich aus einem hessischen Dorf im Odenwald, hat Landwirtschaft studiert und wusste schon früh, daß er kein konventioneller Landwirt werden wollte. Deswegen packte er 1990 die Gelegenheit beim Schopf und siedelte nach Greifenhagen über, wo er mit seiner Frau und zwei Partnern einen Bauernhof übernahm, um dort ökologische Landwirtschaft zu betreiben. Und das zu einer Zeit, in der dieses Konzept auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR noch weitgehend unbekannt war. Dementsprechend waren die ersten Jahre einerseits von enormer Skepsis auf Seiten der Verbraucher:innen, andererseits aber auch von großer Euphorie und breiter Unterstützung durch die örtlichen Bevölkerung, geprägt. Und so sprechen wir über eine Entwicklung, die „Biotopia“ über einen Zeitraum von gut dreißig Jahren, zu einem breit aufgestellten Unternehmen gemacht hat, das eine eigene Hofmolkerei, sowie einen Feinkostladen in Halle betreibt und mittlerweile auch Ferienwohnungen anbietet.
Das führt uns direkt zu der Frage, was das Mansfelder Land zu einer lebenswerten Gegend macht und blicken auf drei Jahrzehnte voller wirtschaftlicher, ökologischer und kultureller Umbrüche zurück, die ihre Spuren nicht nur in der Landschaft, sondern vor allem auch im gesellschaftlichen Miteinander hinterlassen haben.
In diesem Zusammenhang kommen wir schließlich auch zu Klaus Feicks neuestem Projekt: die Sanierung des „Schieferhauses“ in Wippra. Dieser traditionsreiche Gasthof, im Zentrum des Ortes, blickt auf eine Geschichte zurück, die bis ins 14. Jahrhundert reicht. Der Wiederaufbau dieses, vom Verfall bedrohten, sozialen Treffpunkts brachte ihm nicht nur viele Sympathien, sondern auch die tatkräftige Unterstützung der Wippraer und Wippraerinnen ein. Zumal die zahlreichen bereits stattgefundenen Veranstaltungen, wie Kino, Konzerte und ein Adventskalender das kulturelle Leben bereits jetzt bereichern und den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt stärken.
Somit wird hier eine Lücke geschlossen, die symbolisch für eine Vielzahl von Gemeinden im Mansfelder Land steht. Vor diesem Hintergrund besprechen wir zum Abschluss die aktuellen Herausforderungen der Region und schauen, welche Perspektiven es für zukünftige positive Entwicklungen gibt.
Schieferhaus Wippra Klaus Feick
Klaus Feick stammt ursprünglich aus einem hessischen Dorf im Odenwald, hat Landwirtschaft studiert und wusste schon früh, daß er kein konventioneller Landwirt werden wollte. Deswegen packte er 1990 die Gelegenheit beim Schopf und siedelte nach Greifenhagen über, wo er mit seiner Frau und zwei Pa
0:00 50:15
Gespräch mit Jenny Kästner
Jan Langhammer
Jenny Kästner ist in Wippra geboren und fühlt sich dort so wohl, daß sie ihren Heimatort nur einmal verlassen hat, um ihre Ausbildung zur Konditorin abzuschließen. Danach kehrte sie rasch zurück und arbeitet seitdem im „Mühlen-Café“, daß von ihren Eltern betrieben wird. Dort gilt ihre be
0:00 23:06
0:00 01:17:49