Übergordnete Werke und Veranstaltungen

KRAFLA - Music by 18 boreholes and 1 Geothermal power plant. (2020-2021) - German premiere

DE 2021

Krafla is artist Konrad Korabiewski’s new Icelandic piece “in progress”, a electro-acoustic performance composed primarily from field recordings from the Krafla geothermal power plant and surrounding region, located in a volcanic caldera in the north of Iceland.

The Krafla power plant includes numerous deep boreholes to access steam and geothermal springs; the top of each borehole is enclosed in a geodesic structure and connected to a network of pipelines which bring steam and water to various parts of the power plant. Each of these boreholes has a very individual character depending on the age and depth of the installation, and as such function as a kind of industrial musical instrument with its own personality. The evaporation processes and power turbines also produce an intense density of sound. These industrial infrastructures stand in the context of the weather and land of the caldera, prone to intense winds and heavy fog. Krafla seeks to explore the relationships between these human and extra-human forces.

The Project emerges from The New York Times Magazine fall 2018 “Sonic Voyages Issue” focusing on travel to parts of the world based on sonic attractions or properties featured soundscapes from 11 sites around the world including Iceland with field recordings by Anna Friz and Konrad Korabiewski.

Supported by
Launasjóður Listamanna/Salary Fund (Iceland), Danish Composer’s Society, Uppbyggingarsjóðs Austurlands/East Iceland Cultural Fund, Danish Arts Foundation, Landsvirkjun, Co-funded by Creative Europe Program of the European Union

Online sound performance by Konrad Korabiewski (DK/IS), moderated by Marold Langer-Philippsen (DE)

Mitschnitt EN##,##Mitschnitt DE



Konzert, Performance

