Christopher Coenen


Christopher Coenen is a political scientist with a primary focus on the highly interdisciplinary field of technology assessment. He is head of the research group “Life, Innovation, Health, and Technology” at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Among his current activities are the coordination of the transnational NEURON-ERANET research project “The Future of the Body in the Light of Neurotechnology (FUTUREBODY)”, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. He is also chief editor of the journal NanoEthics: Studies of New and Emerging Technologies and co-editor of the series Technikzukünfte, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft [Technological Future, Science and Society]. His central research interests include the prehistory and early history of transhumanism and technological and societal visions of the future of humanity.