Künstlergespräch Waiting for the Miracle to Come
A conversation with the artists Andrea Büttner and François Bucher, moderated by Angelika Richter.
Andrea Büttner will speak on her biennial contribution, the series of drawings Tiere predigen dem Heiligen Franziskus [Animals Preach to St. Francis] and her woodprint Waiting for the Miracle to Come. She will also present her current research on nun artists as well as her own drawings made at a London Carmelite convent, and will show slides on this.
François Bucher will refer to his work Spiritual Still, which can be seen at the biennial, and will present selections from his film Sopraluoghi a Roma, based on Pier Paolo Pasolinis research for his film The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964).
The conversation will be held in English.