Übergordnete Werke und Veranstaltungen
Annette Weisser practises Carl Gottlieb Herring's well-known Austrian canon for children „C-a-f-f-e-e, trink nicht so viel Kaffee!" at the ORF studio in Vienna. The original text warns from exaggerated coffee use. In Weisser's version it has been changed to "we know what we are by what we are not". During the Osman era Vienna where in 2006 the recording was made was the entry gate for coffee to Western Europe. In 1939 the ORF studio building was completed and thereafter started transmitting so called Greater German Broadcast (Großdeutscher Rundfunk). Whilst Annette Weisser is excercising the canon, details of renovated wall paintings from 1939 and contemporary studio furniture are shown. Kanon was produced in the framework of the exhibition Ear Appeal.