Übergordnete Werke und Veranstaltungen
Album Release Concert
Die Kinder vom See
It was a minor episode of city flight that, according to legend, led to the creation of the band Die Kinder vom See. The three friends returned from an excursion to the lake – complete with folding chairs, fishing rods and cold beer – as a band with its own unmistakeable mix of a cappella and beat box in their nets. Since then the three friends have been wandering the land as musical bridge builders, smashing a few old genre definitions to pieces. With danceable cover songs and their own compositions they alternate effortlessly between Renaissance and hip-hop – from pop music of the 1980s and 90s to reggae and Balkan folk – all produced and performed with just their voices and no technological aids. It is friendship, love of music and common desire to share this love with their audiences that serve as their amplifiers. After winning the MDR young talent award Klick den Star in 2015, Gregor, Steve and Johann are now releasing their first album.