Übergordnete Werke und Veranstaltungen
Nowhere was the dominance of (Anglo-)American popular culture greater than in pop music. For decades it was practically frowned upon for German bands to sing in their own language—a phenomenon normally associated with postcolonial structures. The band Rammstein, named after the military air disaster at Ramstein Air Base, by contrast, sings mostly in German. They were harshly criticized for their provocative use of Riefenstahl material, also in the USA when it came out that the Littleton shooters were fans of the band. In this video, they deal with America’s domination of political culture: "We're all living in America / America is wonderful / ... / We’re making a darling dance / Freedom plays in all the hands / Music straight from the White House / And in front of Paris you can see Mickey Mouse." Ironically, Rammstein is now extremely popular in the USA.