Übergordnete Werke und Veranstaltungen

Die Menschen sind töricht, sie können nicht fliegen / People Are Foolish, They Don't Know How to Fly

NL 1998

A boy with hair halfway down his back and tattoos on his body lies on an unmade, dishevelled bed. The wall behind the bed is covered with drawings and graffiti that include flying figures. Background sound is a kind of voice-over, a stream-of-consciousness monologue spoken in German with a slightly mocking tone, on the subject of flying. The boy stares straight ahead of him, sits for a minute on the edge of the bed, exercises his biceps with a halter and then, lying on the bed, smokes a rolled cigarette. Then he stands up, walks to the window, and with his hand squashes an insect against the windowpane.

8 min




