Wanderausstellung NEU
The exhibition NEU, which is touring the Mansfeld-Südharz district from June to October, presents contemporary perspectives on the (cultural) landscape of this very region by means of photography, audio and film. The starting point is the now historical work Spuren_Mansfeld by the artist Wieland Krause from 1993, which consists, among other things, of photos of the final phase of the demolition of the August-Bebel-Hütte in Helbra. Thirty years later, young photographers and designers from Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle are exploring the district and have taken a new look at the landscape for their artistic works. Wieland Krause is also roaming the region again to collect sound_traces for a sound collage of the same name.
The exhibition NEU will be on display at the Summa Passage in Hettstedt, the Schneider car dealership in Helbra, the Bonifatiuskirche in Vatterode and the Sandersleben town hall.
NEU is a cooperation between the project GLÜCK AUF! WHERE TO? Mansfeld-Südharz is a new project of the Erlebniswelt Museen e.V. and the Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V..
The project GLÜCK AUF! WOHIN? - Mansfeld-Südharz findet sich neu is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag. The measure Glück auf! WHERE TO? Mansfeld-Südharz findet sich neu is funded by the state of Saxony-Anhalt and the district of Mansfeld-Südharz. Special thanks to APS Verwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG.