Übergordnete Werke und Veranstaltungen

Kompilation aus Wochenschauen „Der Augenzeuge“ und „Kinobox“

VertragsarbeiterInnen in der DDR

DDR 1966

This compilation shows the ways the media depicted contract workers in East Germany over a period of 15 years. At the Herder Institute in
Leipzig, people from over 65 countries including Vietnam, Chile, Algeria, Namibia, Mozambique, are taking a German course in preparation
for university study. The fact that they are kept at a distance is clearly shown in these reports: they remain guests who live in hostels, keep up their own culture, and happily go home again after a few years. “They go skiing and tobogganing, some of them talk about their thoughts of home and sing an African song.” (Excerpt from Kinobox No. 3, 1981: "Africans in the Snow”)

DDR 1966-1981, ca. 12 Min.

Vertragsarbeiter in der DDR 1/3




